
Sorrento SyArt Festival

Edition 2020

Edition 2020

The SyArt Sorrento Festival, dedicated to contemporary art and now in its fourth edition, presents from July 11th to September 6th forty artists from fourteen countries. The suggestive Sorrento location of Villa Fiorentino welcomes the artists, selected by Dr. Rossella Savarese, curator and gallery owner SyArt, becoming a unique container in which more than a hundred contemporary works of art tell of contamination and exchange between multi-ethnic languages and multiple artistic declinations. Photography, painting, sculpture, installation are contaminated by continuing a metaphysical dialogue inaugurated in the previous edition. The exhibition closes with a Solo Room dedicated to Video Art with a suggestive work by the creative Simone Riccardi. In addition to Italy well represented, the kermesse hosts countries such as Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Russia, Slovenia, Egypt, Turkey, England, Brazil, Peru, Serbia, South Korea and Poland. Interesting is the cultural exchange in the room dedicated to Photography where two Neapolitan artists Nico Vigenti and Federica La Magra meet their Brazilian, Uruguayan and Turkish colleagues.

From a ground floor focused on a purely figurative discourse we move along the three exhibition floors and in the eight large rooms where the informal gives way to photography, illustration, body art, rather than sculpture and video art. Important the presence of women also in this edition, most of the works were made specifically for the Festival during the quarantine time and for the first time are presented to the public. Among the themes covered are gender violence, environmental pollution and forced isolation to which we have recently been subjected. As per tradition, during the opening evening, the Arbiter Fata Verde Award is presented, a wooden trophy created by the Sorrento artist Toni Wolfe. The winner has the privilege of creating one of the artistic covers of the well-known Arbiter magazine, which since the very beginning has been accompanying the Festival. It is renewed the realization of side events with well-known car manufacturers, this year BMW and M. Car decide to support the idea SyArt through the exhibition of a car model reinvented by one of the participating artists. Rosaria and Leone Cappiello, creators of the event, were pleased with the renewed possibility of allocating the proceeds collected during the opening night for a charitable purpose. And again a multi-handed and all-female live painting. The curator declares: "Emotionally I give you a structured exhibition path during a period of uncertainties with the awareness that art does not stop continuing its endless dialogue".

Vincenzo Mascia, autore dell'opera e ad oggi artista promosso dalla SyArt Gallery, completa con il progetto attuale un dialogo inaugurato nella prima edizione del Festival, in cui esponeva le sue opere, dichiara: “Per l’intervento a Sorrento ho pensato di utilizzare come elemento primario un tubolare quadrato in allumino (le dimensioni sono cm.150x4x4), ne utilizzerò dodici da disporre su un muro in pietra di Corso Italia in maniera casuale in accostamento ed in sovrapposizione (le possibili combinazioni sono infinite) in una sorta di maxi mikado, in continuità con il pensiero madì di un'arte che sia anche ludica e dia un segnale di ripartenza e di speranza per il futuro dopo mesi di pandemia e fermo forzato.” Pensiero condiviso e sostenuto dalla curatrice Rossella Savarese che aggiunge: “Un'ulteriore passo che ci consente di strutturare ed ampliare il nostro progetto di un museo outdoor a Sorrento dando seguito al lavoro di programmazione ed organizzazione del Festival e di cui raccogliamo quotidianamente messaggi intrisi di entusiasmo e fervore da parte degli artisti selezionati onorati di poter esporre nella Terra delle Sirene”.