
Sorrento SyArt Festival

Edition 2017

Edition 2017

“Sorrento Young Art Festival” is not only the opening of a new periodic exhibition site dedicated to contemporary art: it is the crowning of a selection, monitoring and study of the artistic levers operating in the area that starts from afar, in In the course of which we have tried to focus on quality authors with a minimum common denominator: that of having failed to link to the most accredited media and exhibition circuits, not because of their own demerit, but because of a substantial inability of the current system of Italian art to incorporate and promote forms of artistic expression that are not directly attributable to the well-tested Esperanto of the new globalized art, which prefers (inevitably) the most new and captivating means of expression, in step with technological evolution and the grandeur of the massed spectacle, or the conceptual arabesques and sociological provocations which, however inter essanti, do not seem more animated by the fire of intelligence and creative urgency that characterized the experiments of the last century.

Its first edition will take place in Villa Fiorentino, headquarters of the Sorrento Foundation from 8 to 23 April 2017.
Recall that the event will exhibit artists from all over the world, along with organizations and operators in the sector, and will host meetings and events to animate the exhibition days.

The best works on display will be included in the permanent collection of Syart Space.

By geographical, historical and anthropological vocation, South Italy has been committed for years to play the role of cultural hinge between Europe and the countries of the Mediterranean basin and the City of Sorrento, notoriously accustomed to interacting with international tourist flows, is strategic for achieve the project goals.

Our employees are expected to be present in the city’s promotional graphics and in international communication in the fields of art and design, without neglecting the newspapers and, of course, the web.
It is also possible to display your own corners and / or promotional prints inside the exhibitions and to organize days dedicated exclusively to employees.
Any other proposal, aesthetically suited to the elegance of the entire exhibition, will be evaluated by the organizers.

The works (art and design) will be divided by style, combining sculptures, paintings and other creations to obtain suggestive effects, but avoiding visual pollution and conceptual dispersion.
The teaching will involve many schools in the area, but also national and foreign institutions, attracting the attention of students from all over the world.