
Domenico Sepe

Artist info
Born in Naples on 7 December 1977, Domenico Sepe discovered sculpture at the age of 5, manipulating wooden and plasticine objects to create forms close to the surrounding reality. Sculptor, painter, set designer, he graduated from the Art School in 1995 and from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples in 2001. A pupil of master Giovanni De Vincenzo, he is currently a qualified teacher of art history, drawing and art education. He has collaborated with great masters of sculpture such as Augusto Perez and worked for the most historic Neapolitan foundries including Fonderia Chiurazzi, Fonderia De Pietro and Fonderia Ruocco where he continues his artistic production; An important collaboration was with the Guastini Foundry in Gabellara (Vicenza) on the occasion of the bronze casting of the work depicting Paolo Rossi. Official supplier to the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, president and creator of the cultural association, Salotto Culturale Tematico. Sepe takes a close look at sculpture from the Hellenic period and carries out various research into the contemporary avant-garde. He is constantly experimenting and creates numerous works, installations and paintings ranging from the informal to the figurative, using different materials such as iron, steel, polystyrene, marble, wood, resins and above all clay, but the material that most characterises him is bronze. Domenico Sepe has already created several monuments and public works, touching on various themes, from sacred to commemorative sculpture; his works have been placed all over Italy, in various regions, and internationally (Spain, Brazil and Argentina. Among the works that have most significantly characterised Sepe’s artistic career, special mention should be made of ‘Nassirya’ (2004), ‘St. George Martyr’ (bronze equestrian figure, 2004), ‘St. Anthony of Padua’ reliquary bust (2005), ‘The Blessing of St. Pio’ (Orvieto, 2007), ‘St. Rita of Cascia’ (work blessed by Benedict XVI, Brazil 2007), ‘St. Francis of Assisi’ (Teano, 2007), ‘Rita Levi Montalcini’ (Afragola, 2015), “San Giorgio Martire” (equestrian monument blessed in a private audience by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Vatican City, Airola, 2015), “Vittoria Alata” (about 6 metres high, Sanremo, 2018), “Cristo Rivelato” (Ciccone Collection, Naples, 2020), “Fontana dell’amore” (Sassi di Matera, 2020), “D10S” (exhibited outside the Diego Armando Maradona stadium, Naples, 2021), “Giacomo Mancini” (Cosenza, 2022), “Allievo della Nunziatella” (Scuola Militare della Nunziatella, Naples, 2022), “La mano de D10S” (Monte di Procida, 2023), “Albert R. Cubby Broccoli’ (producer of the film saga ‘007’, Carolei(CS), 2023); EXHIBITIONS A large number of exhibitions have seen him play a leading role in both group exhibitions and important solo shows, both national and international. Each exhibition has represented a key moment in the sculptor’s artistic and personal career, including the personal exhibition at the Paleochristian Basilicas of Cimitile (NA) in 2003, the international collective exhibition at the 51st edition of the ‘Mario Brogiotti- Rotonda Livorno’ painting and sculpture prize in 2003, the personal exhibition at the historical centre of Sondrio as part of ‘Scarpatetti arte 2005’, participation in the international sculpture competition in Spinetoli (AP) from 2005 to 2008 and which saw him win in 2006, the sculpture exhibition at the Sala Gemito in Naples in 2006, the collective exhibition PULCINELLA MACCUS, at the Naples Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by the Province of Naples, of which he was the winner, the solo exhibition at the Torrione Civic Museum in Forio d’Ischia in 2016, the solo exhibition “From the Beginning to the Prince” at the Castel dell’Ovo (NAPLES), on the occasion of the month of May of Monuments in 2017, the solo exhibition “From the Beginning to the Prince 2. 0” at Palazzo Lancellotti (Casalnuovo di Napoli) in 2017, the solo exhibition “DIVINO” at the Purgatorio church in Matera European Capital of Culture 2019, the group exhibition “Arte a Palazzo” at the Palazzo Baronale in Torre del Greco in 2020, the solo exhibition ‘La Materia e L’Eterno’ (Matter and Eternity) at the Castel dell’Ovo in Naples in 2021, which will be repeated at the Basilica of San Giovanni Maggiore in Naples in 2022, and finally in 2023 the solo exhibition ‘Il Divino nel Tormento’ (The Divine in Torment) in Alezio at the Messapic Museum of the city, and Nardò at the Church of Santa Maria della Rosa. AWARDS Gold Medal International Prize Ruggiero II il Normanno city of Afragola (NA), 2001; Gold Medal, received from the municipality of Ospedaletto (AV) for the public monument realised “The Oration of Padre Pio”, 2002; 1st classified in the exhibition-international sculpture competition of Spinetoli (AP), 2006; 1st classified in the collective exhibition PULCINELLA MACCUS within the exhibition – competition PULCINELLA MACCUS. Province of Naples, 2009 Prize ‘città di Avellino’ with indication of merit within the framework of the international visual arts exhibition in Avellino (2009); Recognition of the 1st M.B.Madonna memorial trophy by the U.C.A.I unione cattolica artisti italiani within the framework of the international visual arts exhibition1st M.B.Madonna memorial trophy (2010); Jury award “Alfonso Gatto” prize within the international visual arts exhibition Alfonso Gatto painting and sculpture prize, in the crypt of the Anglican Church all Saints Rome (2010); INTERNATIONAL CAREER PRIZE ‘Giuseppe Cascella’,2012; SAN GIACOMO PRIZE guardian of Vesuvian heritage and traditions, 2012; City of Viterbo ‘F.Petrarca’ PRIZE, 2012; AMBASCIATORE DEL SORRISO AWARD, 2015-2016; Humanitars Prize, 2016 CARLO LEVI PRIZE, 2020 MEMBER OF OFFICIAL COMMISSIONS AND ARTISTIC DIRECTIONS 1999 Curator of the ‘Tocco tra arte e realtà’ (Touch between art and reality) visual arts exhibition; 2003 Member of the jury for the international award Città di Afragola Ruggero II il Normanno; 2004 Member of the jury for the International Prize Città di Afragola Ruggero II il Normanno; 2005 Member of the jury for the international prize Città di Afragola Ruggero II il Normanno; 2005 Member of the jury for the John Paul II International Prize; 2004 Member of the committee of honour and official recognition of the Air Force event “monument to the aviator” for the commemorative postcard, Afragola (NA); 2009 August. Member of the judging committee, ‘A cortile aperto’ event, review of plays; SCULPTURES – PRIZE “DANCING WOMAN ” for the PRIZE INTERNATIONAL “Between WordsAndInfinity” PRIZE; “Health rights denied to citizens imprisoned in our country’s prisons”; “GUARDIA DI FINANZA di NAPOLI” barracks in Casalnuovo Napoli; “SEZZE” bronze medal as part of the CGIL Sezze Art Prize; MASANIELLO PRIZE; CARDINAL SEPE AWARD; Smile Ambassador Award; Friends of Ischia Prize Torrione Civic Museum; Brodkj Prize Torrione Civic Museum; Paestum Prize; Sonanti Courts Prize; Scugnizzo Award; Forever Diego Award; Pistrice City of Positano Prize; Annibale Ruccello Prize; WORKS AT MUSEUMS “La Valtellina” museum of Valtellinese history Sondrio “La Lavandaia” museum of contemporary sculpture in Spinetoli AP; “Leonardo” museum of contemporary sculpture of Spinetoli AP; “Rising without time” museum of contemporary sculpture of Spinetoli AP; “Icarus fallen” figurative museum of contemporary sculpture of Spinetoli AP; “Icaro caduto” contemporary museum of contemporary sculpture of Spinetoli AP; “Deception” contemporary sculpture museum of Spinetoli AP; Liturgical poles, baptismal font, tabernacle and Easter candle base, at the Church of the Crucifix in Ortanova Fg; “Christ Revealed” at the Pappacoda Chapel in Naples; SCENOGRAPHY Sepe creates different types of scenography from experimental to traditional, working at some of the most important theatres in Naples. Teatro Cilea, Trianon,Teatro TOTO’ Napoli, Gran San Carluccio, Teatro delle Palme, Teatro Acacia Napoli, Teatro Augusteo, Teatro San Ferdinando. VIDEOS – SHORT FILMS “CITY DESERT” independent production year 1999 “CITY CREATIVE” independent production, exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts year 2000 FORGIVE THEM 2015 DIVINE 2019 THE ETERNAL AND MATTER 2020 PRESS In his artistic and cultural career, the artist has repeatedly attracted the attention of national and international newspapers and art magazines. The following have written about him: L’Osservatorio Romano, Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, Il Mattino, Fanpage, Sky, Rai, Fox, Ansa, Clarìn, Il Tirreno, Boè, Informare, Credere, Exibart, Artribune, V.O.G.U.T 5; He also published several publications in art catalogues such as Grandi Maestri, Arte Moderna Mondadori, Avanguardie Artistiche. In 2021, Cervino Editori published ‘La Materia e l’Eterno, Domenico Sepe’, a work by Daniela Marra that takes a journey through the sculptor’s work among stories, places and deeds. Finally, in 2023 Rubbettino Editore published ‘Giacomo Mancini, la scultura di Domenico Sepe’, (edited by Daniela Marra)an account of the monumental work inaugurated in Cosenza on 2 June 2022.