Marjan Fahimi: between abstract variations and figurative solutions

4 May 2020

mARTEdì contemporary art section on moondo magazine online.

At each appointment an artist, an art work and a technique.

Today we are in the company of the artist Marjan Fahimi of Iranian origins, in Tehran she graduated in Italian Literature, a culture that fascinated and seduced her, thus deciding to move and study in Rome where she obtained a second degree in Architecture and Urban Design.

Refined artist, in continuous research and experimentation, today he refines combinations of acrylic color with two-component resin, tracing a possible combination between abstract variations and figurative solutions. The training and the experience in the architectural sector generate an artistic making in which the two-dimensional meaning is overcome, focusing the discourse on the material plane, the artist feels he has to mold from the material the form, inherent and pre-existing, in an attitude of taking away proper to sculpture. As proof of this, the recently built installations.

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