Fine line

18 June 2024

At Palazzo Marziale, a Sorrentine residence dating back to the 1400s, the souls of artists Giusy Lauriola, Marina Falco, and Vittorio Iavazzo meet, resulting in a refined and evolved artistic exploration.
The suspended atmospheres of the Roman artist Lauriola trace fields of color skillfully modulated by resin, returning infinite perimeters and undefined places in which the liquid matter suggests an indistinct time in which to move the step.

Action is decisive in the research of the artist Falco, a painter and teacher at Brera Art Academy, Milanese by adoption but trained in Sorrento, a place to which she punctually returns. The environment of origin remains central to her poetics, and the action in her works is accomplished quickly. A universal flicker of life is perceived in the landscapes created in oil, her beloved hydrangeas, and the leaden skies that announce a sudden change.

Iavazzo shapes form into stable bodies that occupy space with confidence and composure, in a renewed balance. He starts from the clay material to return emotions told through seemingly fragile materials such as papier-mâché but that redeliver figures such as fauns, goddesses, and nymphs powerful and hieratic.
A thin, common line is perceived between bodies and nature. Hinted at, bland, elusive. In a revelation that suggests future places where one can dream of an authentic encounter between nature and man, both overt, protagonists in the exhibition narrative in an attempt to overcome demarcation.

The place that hosts the exhibition takes us back in time, where every detail tells us about ancestors who have already loved these walls and a family guardian of authentic beauty as a value to be preserved and told to international guests.

Fine line

Giusy Lauriola | Marina Falco | Vittorio Iavazzo

July 4th – September 30th 2024

Vernissage Thursday 4 July 6.30 p.m.

Palazzo Marziale, Sorrento

Piazza Francesco Saverio Gargiulo, 2 (largo S. Francesco)

Curated by Rossella Savarese

Partner SyArt Gallery | Palazzo Marziale

Graphic Designer Giovanni Porzio

Photo and video Giovanni De Luca

Opening 4th July at Palazzo Marziale

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