Appointment with Contemporary Art | Naples_Campania
Thursday 17, Friday 18, Saturday 19 December 2020
from 11 am to 7 pm
CONTEMPORANEAMENTE is a collective opening of more than 30 contemporary art spaces in the
Campania region which will open their doors on 17 – 18 – 19 December sending a strong message
of cohesion as well as celebrate the vigour and vitality of contemporary culture in the Campania
region even during these uncertain times.
The first edition of CONTEMPORANEAMENTE represents an effort to consolidate the cultural
proposals with the support of the city’s main institutions: Museo Madre, Fondazione Made in
Cloister, Fondazione Morra, Fondazione Morra Greco, Fondazione Plart, although their temporary
closure is imposed by the current safety measures.
For the same reason as the main institutions, Flip Project, Magazzini Fotografici and Tarsia support
the project, waiting to resume their activities.
CONTEMPORANEAMENTE is already envisioning new events for the upcoming year in order to
offer profound experiences in the contemporary art world.
aA29 Project Room (Ce)
Innobiliare Sud Ovest
Giovanni Scotti
Acappella (Na)
Pennacchio Argentato
Al Blu di Prussia (Na)
mostra collettiva
Alfonso Artiaco (Na)
Ann Veronica Janssens
Andrea Ingenito (Na)
da Warhol ad Abbamondi
Andrea Nuovo (Na)
Giorgio Tentolini
Annarumma (Na)
By the Way
mostra collettiva
ART1307 (Na)
Re_Start & More
mostra collettiva
mostra collettiva
Casamadre (Na)
Chiara Dynys
Casa Turese (Vitulano)
Pensare il futuro
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Centometriquadri (Ce)
Le città Invisibili
Stefano Di Stasio
DAFNA Gallery (Na)
Le possibilità di un volo
Valentina Colella
Thomas Dane Gallery (Na)
Alexandre da Cunha
Umberto Di Marino (Na)
Visto da qui_Giuseppe Maraniello
Flip Project (Na)
Joey Holder
Galleria Lia Rumma (Na)
Luca Monterastelli
Galleria Marrocco (Na)
On Air
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Galleria Paola Verrengia (Sa)
A Moment of Reflection
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Galleria PrimoPiano (Na)
Pier Paolo Patti
Galleria Tiziana Di Caro (Na)
Tomaso Binga
Intragallery (Na)
Chiara Arturo e Cristina Cusani
Kromìa (Na)
Land Escape
Le 4 Pareti (Na)
Fuori controllo
Stefano Ciannella, Marco Cortese
Magazzini Fotografici (Na)
Sergio Siano
Nicola Pedana (Ce)
Turn on the bright lights
mostra collettiva
Nuvole Arte Contemporanea
Antonio delli Carri
Piero Renna (Na)
Panorami da un altro pianeta terra
Cherubino Gambardella
Residency 80121 (Na)
Catch the Present
Group show shop
Shazar Gallery (Na)
Deposito materiale di senso
Lello Lopez
Luigi Solito (Na)
Almost Home
Ryan Mendoza
Spazio Amira (Nola)
Joseph Kosuth, Pietro Lista
Studio Trisorio (Na)
Christiane Löhr
SyArt Gallery (Sorrento)
In dialogue 20 _ 21
mostra collettiva
Tarsia (Na)
Sewing & Drawing
Paboy Bojang, Marco Pio Mucci
Zazà (Na)
Only Monument I Wanna Feel
On the occasion of the sixteenth appointment with the #giornatadelcontemporaneo Saturday, December 5, SyArt Gallery presents a focus on the artists selected at the end of the fourth edition of SyArt Sorrento Festival 2020. As per our mission, at each edition, it is proposed to some artists to expose in the gallery. With enthusiasm we […]
mARTEdì contemporary art section on moondo online magazine. Today our usual weekly meeting with contemporary art is dedicated to Raffaele Boemio, a mature artist from Campania who during his career manifests and shares an incisive and constant analysis of human dignity. Exploring different expressive forms such as painting, sculpture and photography, she investigates absolute themes […]